F Class – Open
Any rifle up to a maximum weight of 22lbs/10kg including scope (and bi-pod if used).
Any safe trigger is permitted, muzzle brakes are not.
Any sights – no limit on power.
Any calibre up to 8mm – providing that it complies with range safety rules – it is up to the individual shooter to verify this.
The rifle may be supported front and rear on sand-bags. The front sand-bag may in turn be supported on an adjustable pedestal. The rear bag must not be attached to the front support but a combination of sandbags may be used. A bi-pod may be used in place of a front sand-bag.
F Class – TR
An F/TR Class rifle must not weigh more than 8.25 kg. (about 18lb. 2 oz.) including scope and bi-pod.
Permitted calibres are .308 Winchester (7.62 Nato) or .223 Remington (5.56mm).
The rifle may only be supported by a simple bi-pod and/or sling.
A sand-bag may be used under the butt. There is no restriction on scope-power.
Factory or hand-loaded ammunition may be used and any bullet-weight is permitted.
Permitted calibre is 308 Winchester/7.62 Nato
Iron Sights only
No bipods or sand bags can be used, a sling is permissible.
The rifle must be supported on the elbows when shooting.
Factory or hand-loaded ammunition may be used and any bullet-weight is permitted.